Invited Speakers

To read more about the speakers, click on the links below.

  • Del Atkinson, University of Durham, UK
    Talk title: Rare earth-transition metal ferrimagnetic thin-films for spintronics: mapping magnetization and compositional gradients
  • Gustav Bihlmayer, Peter Grünberg Institute, Germany
    Talk title: Lanthanide-transition metal heterostructures
  • Lucas Caretta, Brown University, USA
    Talk title: Manipulating spin textures in magnetic and multiferroic heterostructures
  • Vincent Cros, CNRS, UK
    Talk title: Neuromorphic weighted sums with topological spin textures
  • Amal El-Ghazaly, Cornell University, USA
    Talk title: Tuning magnetic thin-film behavior for microwave operation
  • Jacob Gayles, University of South Florida, USA
    Talk title: Tunable of Universal Quantum States at Weyl Semimetal Interstitial Interfaces with Magnetic Textures
  • Oliver Gueckstock, University of Berlin, Germany
    Talk title: Indications of terahertz spin transport in the metallic altermagnet candidate RuO2
  • Marios Hadjimichael, University of Warwick, UK
    Talk title: Probing the nature of nanoscale domain walls in ferroelectric superlattices
  • Freya Johnson, University of Cambridge, UK
    Talk title: The structure-function relationship in non- collinear antiferromagnets
  • M. Benjamin Jungfleisch, University of Delaware, USA
    Talk title: Terahertz Pulse Shaping and Chirality Control using a Spintronic-Semiconductor Hybrid Emitter

  • Divine Kumah, Duke University, USA
    Talk title: Probing emergent metallicity and superconductivity at oxide heterointerfaces
  • Timo Kuschel, Bielefeld University, Germany
    Talk title: Static and dynamic depth profiling of magnetic multilayers using advanced x-ray reflectivity and spectroscopy techniques
  • Atreya Majumdar, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    Talk title: Magnetic materials for unconventional computing - towards scalable, fast, and energy-efficient systems
  • Masahito Mochizuki, Waseda University, Japan
    Talk title: Thermal dynamics and related material functions of magnetic skyrmions
  • Jagadeesh Moodera, MIT, USA
    Talk title: Majorana bound states and diode phenomenon
  • Takahiro Moriyama, Nagoya University, Japan
    Talk title: Magnetization dynamics in nanoscale antiferromagnets
  • Christos Panagopoulos, NTU, Singapore
    Talk title: Topological spin textures for quantum operations
  • Stuart Parkin, Max Planck Insitute Halle, Germany
    Talk title: Magnetic and superconducting junctions formed with 2D van der Waals layers
  • Jorge Puebla, RIKEN; Kyoto University, Japan
    Talk title: On-chip hybrid magnetoelastic waves
  • Anjan Soumyanarayanan, NUS and A*STAR, Singapore
    Talk title: Chiral spin textures: stability, readout, and all-electrical control
  • Silvia Tacchi, IoM, Italy
    Talk title: 
    Exploring new strategies to develop reconfigurable magnonic systems
  • Haiming Yu, Fert Beijing Institute, China
    Talk title: Interlayer magnon coupling in magnetic metal/insulator hybrid nanostructures

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