Bielefeld University, Germany
Talk title: Static and dynamic depth profiling of magnetic multilayers using advanced x-ray reflectivity and spectroscopy techniques
Timo Kuschel is a substitute professor at Bielefeld University in Germany. In addition, he gives lectures at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and is scientific coordinator of the TopDyn research center. His research interests include spintronics, magneto-optics and synchrotron-based techniques. One of his research topics is the combination of non-destructive x-ray characterization and spin transport experiments. He has almost 20 years of synchrotron research experience and published 70 peer-reviewed papers.
He studied physics and received his PhD at Osnabrück University in Germany. Afterwards, he worked as a research assistant in the group of Prof. Günter Reiss at Bielefeld University leading the "Spin Caloritronics Team" that investigates the interaction between charge, spin and heat in magnetic nanostructures. From 2015 to 2017, he was on a research stay at Groningen University in the Netherlands exploring new nonlocal spin transport phenomena in magnetic nanostructures. He finished his habilitation in January 2023 with the topic of "Thermally induced spin currents".
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