Marios Hadjimichael

University of Warwick, UK

Talk title: Probing the nature of nanoscale domain walls in ferroelectric superlattices

Marios Hadjimichael is an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick. He received his PhD on strain and interface engineering of ferroelectric heterostructures from University College London in 2018. After his PhD, he moved to the University of Geneva, where he worked on the control of electronic and structural properties of oxide thin films and multilayers, including the infinite-layer cuprates, rare-earth nickelates, and ferroelectrics. Marios is interested in the properties of perovskite oxide systems and how they can be experimentally tuned using heterostructure engineering and strain. Some of his current research directions include the study of intrinsic electronic and structural properties at the domain walls of ferroelectrics, and strain or strain-gradient engineering of complex oxide systems that exhibit phenomena such as metal-to-insulator transitions and superconductivity. 

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