Abstract Submission

Contributions for oral and poster presentations are invited. Submit your 500 word abstract (figures are permitted in addition) by 27 January 2025 (EXTENDED). Submissions will be confirmed shortly afterwards and a final programme released. The symposium welcomes submissions on recent research results on metallic multilayers in the Technical Subject Categories as detailed below. Please indicate your proposed category when making your submission.

During the review process some contributed talks will be elevated to invited and those affected will be informed by email.

When you are ready, please click the link below to create your account/sign in and submit your abstract. When your abstract is submitted you will receive an email confirming receipt of the submission. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email vivien.thomas@iop.org

Please note: it is the sole responsibility of the presenter to have received agreement from all co-authors for the abstract to be submitted and presented at the conference.

Submit your abstract

Technical Subject Categories

TopicIndicative Subtopic
Quantum Materials
Topological systems, Dirac, Weyl, Superconductor, Low dimensional, van der Waals materials
Functional Materials
Multiferroics, Magneto-optics, Magneto-ionics, Semiconductors and Molecular magnets, Hard magnets, Soft magnets
Novel surface-interface behaviour, Emergent behaviour, Electric and voltage control, Anisotropy, Exchange bias and springs, DMI, skyrmions
Spintronics and Dynamics
Antiferromagnets, Altermagnets, Ultrafast dynamics, Domain wall motion, Magnonics, Spin-orbit torques, Spin transport, Caloritronics, Spin-charge conversion and other conversion phenomena
Patterned, hybrid, self assembly, 3 - Dimensional
Simulation and Theory
Micromagnetics, First principles, Quantum compute, Machine learning
Biomimetic, neuromorphic, reservoir and probabilistic computing, Sensors, Recording and memories, Energy, Qubits
Novel Characterisation Techniques
Photon, Neutron, Electron, Magnetometry, Imaging, Spectroscopies and Time-resolved studies

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