RIBER S.A. is the world's leading supplier of Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) products and related services for the compound semiconductor research and industrial field. Riber MBE equipment is the most versatile and precise tool to deposit very thin layer of materials onto substrates with a very high control. MBE technology is used to design and create the newest semiconductor structures for manufacturing of a wide range of novel devices, with the best performances. 

RIBER delivers MBE machines worldwide to major universities, material science institutes, compound semiconductor foundries or epiwafer suppliers. RIBER is indisputably the world leader in the field. Expert in Ultra High Vacuum technology since its dated of creating in 1964, RIBER moved towards Molecular Beam Epitaxy in 1977, and has developed since a large range of research or production MBE tools, MBE components and processes, in order to support increasing demands in different fields like data communications, 5G/6G and VCSELs lasers, photonics, sensors, 3D sensing, displays ....

Contact RIBER

31 Rue Casimir Périer

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