Dr. GASSLER ELECTRON DEVICES is a centre of excellence for the design and manufacturing of professional Electron Guns for various applications. GED benefits from the decades long experience of its predecessor companies AEG, Thomson and Thales. Backed by this experience and Know-How in the design of professional Electron Tubes we have performed intensive electron-optics simulations to achieve unmatched electron beam performance and characteristics. Our huge catalogue of high precision parts for electron guns allows us to realize optimized designs at reasonable costs with outstanding performance.

GED manufactures for the scientific community all kinds of RHEED systems and accessories:

RHEED Systems with 15kV, 20kV, 30 kV energy, Single and Dual Differential Pumping versions, all kind of RHEED Screens, Camera and data analysis system

Key advantages for the user:

  • Superior Electron-Optic design
  • Long Life Electron Source
  • High Angle X-Y Deflection
  • Low divergence beam for high contrast images

Contact Dr. Gassler Electron Devices

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