Director of ASTeC, UKRI/STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK
Jim is the Director of ASTeC. He has actively worked on numerous types of particle accelerator including synchrotrons, storage rings, linacs, energy recovery linacs, and fixed field alternating gradient accelerators. The prime focus of his career has been light sources of various types but he has also made contributions to particle physics colliders, neutrino factories, and industrial accelerators. He also has considerable breadth of expertise in key accelerator systems such as magnets, undulators, diagnostics, electron and positron sources, FELs, and beam dynamics. He has given more than forty invited talks and lectures at conferences, workshops, and schools on a wide variety of topics and has written two text books.
Talk title: Particle Accelerators at Daresbury Laboratory: A colourful past and a bright future
Particle accelerators are core to many of the UK’s world leading science research facilities, such as Diamond Light Source and ISIS, as well as being essential for fundamental discovery in particle physics, as epitomised by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire is the UK’s centre of expertise in accelerator science and technology. In this talk, the role that Daresbury has played in this area will be explained, as will the contributions we are currently making to the latest world leading facilities. Finally, the prospects for UK accelerators will be discussed and the leading role that Daresbury is making to deliver this bright future.
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