EPS EuroPhysics Conference Grants

The EPS EuroPhysics Conference Grants are designed to give partial financial support to two students up to €350. Recipients of the grants should not normally have received their PhD more than 6 years (or equivalent) prior to the application and present a contribution, studying or working at a European institution or demonstrating economic need..  


The scheme is meant for student who have limited support to attend the meeting. Preference will be given to applicants from a developing country (e.g. as mentioned in the list of eligible countries of the Research4Life programme). The applicant must be registered as a PhD student in a research programme closely related to the scope of the congress. 


The applicant must submit the following items to Martin McCoustra (email: M.R.S.McCoustra@hw.ac.ukin order to be considered as a candidate.

  • Copy of Submitted Abstract
  • Copy of Student ID

Deadline for applications is 11am (GMT) 19 April 2024 (EXTENDED).

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