IUVSTA-Elsevier Award

The IUVSTA-Elsevier Awards are designed to give partial financial support to eight PhD or Master students (within seven years of obtaining their bachelor degree at the start of the congress) to help them to attend EVC-17-ECOSS-37 at which they are presenting a paper.

The amount of the IUVSTA-Elsevier Award is up to EUR 500 (in addition to a waiver of the conference fee). In exceptional cases, more than EUR 500 can be awarded on an individual basis.


The scheme is meant for student who have limited support to attend the meeting. Preference will be given to applicants from a developing country (e.g. as mentioned in the list of eligible countries of the Research4Life programme). The applicant must be registered as a Masters or PhD student in a research programme closely related to the scope of the congress. 


The applicant must submit the following items to Martin McCoustra (email: M.R.S.McCoustra@hw.ac.ukin order to be considered as a candidate.

Deadline for applications is 11am (GMT) 19 April 2024 (EXTENDED).

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