Neuro-inspired time-series processing with silicon integrated photonics
Peter Bienstman, Department of Information Technology, Ghent University
Adaptive wavelength sampling and machine learning in nanophotonics
Francesco Ferranti,
B-PHOT Brussels Photonics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Photonic Spiking Neurons and Spiking Neural Networks for Light-Enabled
Neuromorphic Computing and Sensing
Antonio Hurtado, Institute of Photonics, University of
Noise induced modulations in the pulse arrival times of passively
mode-locked semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
Lina Jaurigue, Ilmenau University of Technology
Modelling of Brillouin optomechanics in integrated waveguides
David Marpaung, MESA+ Institute, Twente University
Lattice resonances in plasmonic systems
Olivier Martin, EPFL
Programmed all-optical switching in a multistable photonic molecule with
thermo-optical nonlinearity
Allard Mosk, Debye Institute of Nanomaterials Research, Utrecht
Efficient modelling of nonlinear wavefronts in dielectric
Viktor Myroshnychenko, Paderborn University
Full-Wave Electromagnetic Engineering of Threshold Conditions for
Plasmonic Micro and Nano Lasers with Patterned-Graphene Resonators
Alexander Nosich, Institute of Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU
Self-emergence of laser cavity solitons in microcombs: the role of slow nonlinearity
Alessia Pasquazi, Emergent Photonics Research Centre, University of
Radiative and lateral losses in finite-size deep-UV Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers
Ulrich Theodor Schwarz, Technische Universitat Chemnitz
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