Professor Peter Bienstman, Ghent University
Peter Bienstman was born in Ghent, Belgium, in 1974. He received a degree in electrical engineering from Ghent University, Belgium, in 1997 and a Ph.D. from the same university in 2001, at the Department of Information Technology (INTEC), where he is currently a full professor. His research interests include several applications of nanophotonics (biosensors, photonic information processing, ...) as well as nanophotonics modelling. He has published over 110 papers and holds several patents. He has been awarded a ERC starting grant for the Naresco-project: Novel paradigms for massively parallel nanophotonic information processing.
For further information, click here.
Professor David Marpaung, MESA+ Institute, Twente University
David Marpaung is a full professor leading the Nonlinear Nanophotonics group at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. He is a fellow of Optica (formerly OSA). He was the recipient of the 2015 Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) from the Australian Research Council, the 2017 Vidi award and the 2019 START UP grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). He was awarded the 2022 ERC Consolidator grant on the topic of 3D photonic circuits for Brillouin scattering and the 2023 ERC Proof-of-Concept on the topic of Brillouin-Kerr frequency combs. His research interests include integrated photonics, nonlinear optics, and microwave photonics.
Born in 1953 in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Received DSc (higher doctorate) in Radio Physics from the Kharkiv National University (1990). Since 1979, with the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, now Professor, Principal Scientist and Head, Laboratory of Micro and Nano Optics. Research interests: methods of integral equations, analytical regularization, wave scattering, simulation of the semiconductor lasers and antennas, and the history of microwaves. IEEE Fellow (2004), Optica Fellow (2020), ICO Galileo Galilei Medal Winner (2017). Initiated: MMET conferences (1990), IEEE AP-S East Ukraine Chapter (1995), Ukraine’s membership in EuMA (2002) and EuCAP (2008). Currently a Temporary Protected Ukrainian in the EU.
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