
Please be advised that our conference venue at the university will coincide with a peaceful protest regarding the situation in Palestine and Israel, similar to those occurring at many universities globally. While we respect and support the right to free expression, we recognise that this may cause some disruptions. 

Rest assured, the QMUL staff is committed to ensuring that the IBMM conference proceeds smoothly despite these external circumstances. To facilitate this, our main access area will be the Engineering foyer, rather than the People's Palace entrance. (Please see the attached Google images below to help you locate the Engineering Foyer building.)

The nearest Tube stations are Mile End, which is on the Central Line, and Stepney Green, which is on the District, Circle and Hammersmith and City Lines.

You can find within this tab instructions for presenters as follows: -

Instructions for presenters, attendees and exhibitors.
The above pages will be updated periodically with the latest news and information. Please check the site regularly for updates.

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