Stefano Racioppi

Stefano Racioppi is postdoctoral researcher in computational and theoretical chemistry at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo. He did his B.Sc. and M.Sc degree at the University of Padua and received his Ph.D. in computational chemistry and crystallography working in a collaborative project between the University of Milan Statale and the University of Bern. In 2019, he moved to the Chalmers University of Technology to work in the group of Prof. Martin Rahm, where he developed methodologies for the analysis of chemical bond. He then moved to Buffalo (NY, USA) in 2021, where he is currently working in the group of Prof. Eva Zurek and in collaboration with CMAP (Center for Matter at Atomic Pressure) on projects related with helium chemistry, high pressure electrides and core electron bonding. 

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