Hussien H. Osman

Hussien Osman obtained their Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of Oviedo in Spain, under the guidance of Professor Jose Manuel Recio. Their doctoral research focused on studying the chemical bond nature in materials using various theoretical techniques to uncover their intricacies and comprehend their physical and chemical properties.

 Hussien worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oviedo, collaborating with Professor Juan Andrés from the University of Jaume I. This collaboration expanded their knowledge and allowed them to explore different aspects of chemical bonding in diverse materials.

 Hussien joined the group of Professor Svilen Bobev at the University of Delaware in USA. Following that, he received an offer to work with Professor Arthur Mar at the University of Alberta in Canada. These experiences enabled me to bridge the gap between experimental and theoretical chemistry. During this time, he focused on synthesizing innovative intermetallic materials for lithium-ion batteries, with the aim of advancing battery technology and contributing to the development of more efficient and sustainable energy storage solutions.

Currently, Hussien holds a senior postdoctoral position with Professor Francisco Javier Manjón at Universitat Politècnica de València. In this role he is dedicated to exploring the fascinating insights of a newly discovered type of chemical bond known as the electron-rich multicenter bond. This bond type had not been extensively studied until recently, and his work aims to delve deep into its characteristics and potential applications.

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