Instructions for Poster Presentations

Your poster will be available to view during the entire conference. The designated poster session is from 2pm to 4pm on Wednesday 11 September and it follows immediately after lunch.

Preparing your poster

  • Authors are responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary copyright / permissions for all material. 
  • Posters should be prepared no larger than A0 in size (84.1 x 118.9 cm / 33.1 x 46.8 inches), in a portrait format. 
Poster printing service

  • We are pleased to offer presenters a poster printing service with delivery to the conference, available to collect from the registration desk on the first day. This service will ensure your poster arrives at the conference on time and for those travelling by air, saves you having to carry your poster through airport security. Posters are printed in full colour and as A0 in a portrait format (no lamination). The cost per poster is £40.
  • Please read the following before supplying your poster. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to make any amendments once your order has been accepted. Please make sure your document has been proofed before supplying the file – this means you have checked for spelling and grammatical errors, colour issues, layout and design. Artwork should be supplied as a CMYK PDF (it is important to ensure that all images used are also converted to CMYK), not RGB, and a high resolution (300 dpi). The poster must be A0 in size and all fonts should be embedded.
  • Poster files need to be supplied to by 25 August 2024.

On the day management

  • You are welcome to put your poster on to the allocated poster board for the entire week, please ensure it's on the board no later than 11am on Wednesday 11 September and removed by 5:30pm on Thursday 12 September. Any posters left on the boards after this time will be disposed of.
  • During the poster session, you, as the presenter, should stand next to your poster to facilitate discussion on your work and to answer any questions.
  • Your poster number is available to view on the programme page, alternatively, on arrival at the conference make your way to the registration desk where you will be notified.
  • Fixing material will be supplied which is adequate for laminated posters. Fabric posters may be harder to mount.

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