Abstract Submission

Contributions for oral and poster presentations are invited. Submit your 250 word abstract by 14 June 2024, EXTENDED DEADLINE (no further extensions will be granted). Submissions will be confirmed shortly afterwards and a final programme released.

We are pleased to welcome contributed abstracts from across the Space Weather and Space Environment community. Abstracts are categorised into the following “themes” listed below, although please note that we welcome any abstracts that may lie outside the predefined categories. 

  1. Research to Operations and Operations to Research (R2O2R) 
  2. Instrumentation 
  3. Industry and Users 
  4. Policy and Strategy 
  5. Space Weather Science 
  6. Space Weather Forecasting 
  7. Space Sustainability 
  8. Space Domain Awareness (Space Surveillance & Tracking; Space Situational Awareness; Space Environment) 
  9. Education and Outreach 
  10. Other 

You can find instructions on how to submit your abstract in the submission portal. If you have any questions, or need help submitting your abstract, please email vivien.thomas@iop.org

When you are ready, please click the link below to create your account/sign in and submit your abstract.

Submit your abstract

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