
The information below is intended to help you prepare for the Physics of Life Exhibition, which will be held at the Harrogate Convention Centre (HCC) from Monday 24 March to Thursday 27 2025. Please read the instructions carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to email claire.garland@iop.org.


Studio 1
Harrogate Convention Centre
King's Rd


Exhibition Package 1

  • Octanorm system, foamex panels in aluminium frames with a Quad façade and nameboard panel, to each side, with company name, logo, and stand number. 
  • 500w socket (2amp)
  • 2 x Led Spotlights
  • 4ft table and 2 chairs
  • Catering package for one exhibitor (to include refreshments, lunch, the eveningreceptions, and the conference dinner).
Exhibition Package 2
  • 6ft table and 2 chairs
  • 500w socket (2amp)
  • Catering package for one exhibitor (to include refreshments, lunch, the eveningreceptions, and the conference dinner).

  • Extra representatives for catering are charged at £250 plus VAT.

Additional Furniture

For all your furniture needs or to customise your stand, please contact info@cameronlogistics.co.uk. For further information, download their brochure here.

Build and Breakdown Times

  • Set up - Monday 24 March at 13:00 - 17:00
  • Breakdown - Thursday 27 March 2024 from 14:00 until 17:00

During build and breakdown of the exhibition, care must be taken to ensure the safety of all. All personnel are required to wear appropriate PPE such as high visibility clothing and appropriate footwear. Hi-vis vests are available to purchase from the Harrogate Convention Centre reception (during business hours). Hi-Vis is mandatory for all during these periods and failure to wear a hi-vis jacket, will result om the refusal of entry or removal from site. To enable a safe and orderly exit from the venue, the following breakdown procedure will be in operation:

  • The first 30 minutes after the event closes is for visitors to exit the venue and exhibitors to remove products from their stands only. During this time there will be no access to the service road.
  • After this 30 minutes have elapsed, all spaces become a hi-viz area and access to the service road is enabled.

During the setup and take down of the exhibition, a health and safety manager trained to IOSH or NEBOSH standards will be present. For everyone's safety, all representatives must adhere to any provided instructions. 

Opening Hours
Monday 24 March17:30 - 19:30
Tuesday 25 March09:30 - 19:30
Wednesday 26 March09:30 - 18:30
Thursday 27 March10:45 - 13:30

Delivery Access

All vehicles requiring access to the HCC loading bay to build or breakdown their stand, must book via Mobile Dock each time you require access. No Vehicles will be permitted access to HCC loading areas without a booking confirmation. Please see support document below and attached event traffic proceduresOn build and breakdown days, exhibitors will need to check-in at Dragon Road and the HCC traffic team will provide further instructions. 

For those travelling by car and able to carry their equipment to their stand, exhibitors can park in the HCC underground car park (vehicles under 2m) and use the lift to Studio 1 upper forecourt. 

Creating your Account:

  • Exhibitor – Package 1
  • Code: P-QRL8-3779
  • https://eu.mobiledock.com/connect?codes=P-QRL8-3779

  • Exhibitor – Package 2
  • Code: P-2DG4-85MR
  • https://eu.mobiledock.com/connect?codes=P-2DG4-85MR


Harrogate Convention Centre can ONLY accept deliveries / collections for events during their tenancy. Any deliveries made before the event will be refused. This may result in the sender having to rearrange for the delivery / collection at their own costs. Additionally, Harrogate Convention Centre will be unable to store any items after the event tenancy. Should any items be left, Harrogate Convention Centre will endeavour to contact the owner of the items but may have to dispose of them at the organiser’s cost. 

<<Your contact name>>
<<Stand Number / Company Name>>
Physics of Life 2025
c/o Kamil De Lehenstein-Bronka
Security Gate House
Springfield Avenue
Harrogate Convention Centre
King's Road

If you are planning to send material via courier, we recommend using our logistics contractor Cameron Logistics (see below). If you are using your own courier, please send the following to claire.garland@iop.org by 14 March 2025.

  • Courier Company
  • Delivery Date
  • No of Boxes


Current PAT Test Certificates must be supplied 10 working days in advance of the event date covering any electrical equipment you plan to bring on site. Public Liability Insurance Certificate and a risk assessment must also be supplied as above. Please send to claire.garland@iop.org

Logistics Contractor

Our appointed logistics team is Cameron Logistics. If you have any questions, please contact them by email to info@cameronlogistics.co.uk

General Information

Car Parking

There is a 24-hour pay and display car park directly below the Harrogate Convention Centre and a further 1,200 parking spaces in the centre of Harrogate. There are also electric car charging points available just one minute from the venue. For more information please click here. Whilst the Harrogate Convention Centre car park is available 24/7, please note that the entry and exit shutters are open from 06:00 to 23:59.

Site Rules

  • Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is only permitted in designated smoking areas adjacent to cigarette bins. 
  • All personnel are required to wear high visibility clothing and appropriate footwear during event buikd and breakdown periods
  • High visibility clothing is required at all times while on the service road.
  • Be aware of pedestrians, fork lift trucks and other moving vehicles at all times. 
  • Pedestrians must keep to marked walkways and crossing points on the service road
  • Staff, contractors and drivers must follow instructions given by traffic marshalling & security personnel. 
  • The maximum speed limit is 10mph on the service road and 5mph in the halls.
  • No parking on paths, pedastrian walkways, yellow lined or hatched areas, or in front of fire exit doors
  • Vehciles should follow the one-way system, unless instructed otherwise by traffic marshalling and security personnel and reversing vehicles must be guided by a banksman. 
  • Fork lift trucks must only be operated by trained and licensed personnal. 
  • Use of hand mobile phones whilst driving any vehicle is strictly forbidden.
  • Ailses, gangways, fire exit routes and doorways must be free from obstruction at all times. 

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