Oral Instructions

The programme is available to view here. Please make sure you are aware of the date and time of your talk. As times may change, please check the programme regularly for updates (note that should your talk change date or move by more than 60 minutes, we will contact you). 

Preparing your presentation

  • Please rehearse your presentation to ensure you are keeping within the time allocated for your talk. 
  • The presenting author is responsible for ensuring that they have obtained the necessary copyright / permissions for all material included within the presentation.
  • PDF and PowerPoint are accepted.
Uploading your presentation and the on the day management

  • Presenters are encouraged to bring their presentation to the conference on a memory stick and up-load to the laptop in the lecture theatre or send by email to claire.garland@iop.org. Direct connection of personal laptops is allowed but not the preferred approach. Anyone bringing their own laptop will need to ensure its HDMI/VGA compatible or will need to bring an adapter. 
  • Screen resolution: Aspect radio: 16:9
  • The chair of the session will introduce each talk and then moderate all questions from the attendees.

Prior to start the session:

  • Arrive at the conference room at least 5-10 minutes before the session starts.
  • Introduce yourself to the Session Chair.
  • Sit in the front row to facilitate a quick hand over between the speakers.

 During the Session: 

  • The chair of the session will introduce each talk and then moderate all questions from the attendees.
  • During your presentation, please adheres to the time limit. If you overrun, the Session Chair will interrupt you to conclude the presentation.
  • At the end of the presentation please provide succinct answers to questions. If any questions require extended answer, please suggest that you continue the discussion privately after the session has finished.

 The lecture theatres are equipped with the following audio-visual equipment/support

  • Projector 
  • Large LCD Screen 
  • VGA and HDMI connections available
  • PC/Laptop
  • Clicker 

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