Prof Ryuji Katayama

The author graduated from the Dept. of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, the Univ. of Tokyo, and completed the master's program in the same department. He became an assistant professor in the Dept. of Materials Science at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences and got PhD. Then he was appointed as an associate professor at the Research Div. of Electronic Materials Physics, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., while concurrently serving as a PRESTO researcher at the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and as a visiting researcher in the Photonic Quantum Communication Group, Research Laboratories of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before joining Osaka Univ. in 2016 as professor. Currently he is the supervisor of the Quantum Photonics Lab. in the Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Div. of Electrical, Electronic and Infocommunications Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.

Further details of Prof Ryuji Katayama’s research career can be found at Katayama Ryuji | Researcher Information | J-GLOBAL

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