Instructions for Oral Presentations

The conference programme will be available shortly and once live, please make sure you are aware of the date and time of your talk. Please note: talk times may change right up until the day, please keep checking back to the programme for your latest presentation time. 

Preparing your presentation

  • Please ensure that you keep within your allocated time slot as these will be strictly enforced by the session chairs.
  • You, as the presenting author, are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary copyright / permissions for all material included within your presentation.
  • PDF and PowerPoint are accepted.
Uploading your presentation and the on the day management

  • Bring your presentation on a memory stick and up-load it at the ‘registration desk' ideally the day before your session, otherwise at least 2 hours before. 
  • Your presentation will automatically be uploaded to the relevant session computer in preparation for your talk. 
  • The chair of the session will introduce each talk and then moderate all questions from the attendees.

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