
The overview of the programme will be available shortly. 

Please note some key events taking place during the programme:

Sunday 6 April: Bubble Chamber Football Tournament
1pm kickoff, St John's College Sports Field, Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HF

It has been 50 years since the first Bubble Chamber Football Tournament! We will hold this year's event before the IoP meeting, 12pm to 4pm on Sunday 6 April. The 5-a-side matches (6-a-side in case we have more players) will be played at St John's Playing Fields which are just 5-10 minutes walk from the accommodation. Please form your institute teams and sign up here All people from APP and HEPP are welcome to play. Athletic ability is not required, but a competitive spirit is mandatory!

Monday 7 April: Evening Poster Session
Tuesday 8 April: STFC Town Meeting (afternoon)
Tuesday 8 April: Conference Dinner from 7:30pm
The Dining Hall, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS (10 to 15 minute walk from the conference venue)

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