Practical Information


The meeting will take place in the Urban Sciences Building. The building has a wide and level entrance with automatic doors. The building’s foyer and ground floor exhibition space are booked for the duration of the conference. Within the building’s foyer there are lifts connecting to the other floors, as well as seating areas, and an accessible toilet.

The main lecture theatre is on the first floor of the building and can be accessed using the lift from the foyer. Accessible seating is available in this lecture theatre. This room also has a hearing loop, which will be running automatically as soon as the standard AV system is turned on. The doors to this lecture theatre are not automatic, but the onsite team will be able to provide assistance for these doors if you require this.

Prayer Room: There is a prayer room in the Urban Sciences Building, the key to this room can be obtained from the event reception desk.

Nursing Room: There is a nursing room on the ground floor of the Frederick Douglass Centre, which is just opposite the Urban Sciences Building. This room can also be used as a private space for people who need to administer medication.

Quiet Room: There is a designated quiet room, Room 2.022 , which is available for people with sensory disabilities or those needing a time out.

Please do not hesitate to contact the organisers if you have any accessibility needs that you wish to discuss ahead of the conference. There will also be an opportunity to flag any accessibility needs when filling in the registration form. 

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