Lorenzo Di Michele

Lorenzo Di Michele completed his undergraduate and master’s degrees in physics at the University of L'Aquila (Abruzzo, Italy) in 2010, before moving to the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge to pursue a PhD in soft condensed matter physics. After graduating in 2013, Lorenzo took up an Oppenheimer Early Career Research Fellowship, followed by a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellowship in 2016 and a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in 2018. Lorenzo was then awarded an ERC starting grant and moved to the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London as Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer, before returning to the University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology in 2022. Lorenzo’s research group applies the toolkit of nucleic acid nanotechnology to designing advanced biomimetic systems, applicable as biophysical models or tackling challenges in biomedicine. 

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