Jorge Rene Espinosa

Jorge R. Espinosa received a BSc in Chemistry in 2013, and a MSc in Chemical Engineering and Nanotechnology in 2014. In 2018 he obtained his PhD from the University Complutense of Madrid. He then joined the University of Cambridge and Emmanuel College as an Oppenheimer Fellow and Roger Ekins Fellow, respectively. In 2023 he has become a Ramon y Cajal fellow at the University of Complutense of Madrid where he leads a computational research group focused on elucidating the molecular and thermodynamic driving forces behind physiological and pathological phase transitions of proteins and nucleic acids. By means of multiscale molecular dynamics simulations of different resolutions, Espinosa’s group aims to develop novel strategies to prevent aberrant transitions in biomolecular condensates originated from protein misfolding and changes in the environmental conditions. 

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