This academic year, the IOP are hosting a webinar series for our Members and the student community, as part of our online programme of tailored support that’s available for our physics undergraduates, apprentices and trainees throughout the year. These sessions will focus on the building a physicist’s skills toolkit in a range of areas related to coding, employability, resilience and wellbeing. This series focuses on the PhD experience from start to finish.
The aim of the workshops is to give apprentices, trainees and university students skills that can be applied immediately to help them make the most of their degrees; and/or to implement during placements, internships or in the workplace.
Series one is aimed at reaching a predominantly undergraduate-graduate audience who may be considering a PhD now or in the future. Series two is aimed at those at any stage of the PhD process. Series one attendees are warmly invited to register and attend the second series, as those sessions will be highly relevant to any early career physics audience, including those yet to embark on a PhD or related further study.
If you would like to develop your presenting and communication skills by appearing on one of our panels, the IOP are interested in hearing from representatives from all areas of physics and related fields at all levels of experience. If you are interested in sharing your insights and experiences on physics specific employability, skills and coding topics, to your peers and the wider community, please write to us! Highlight any specific areas of expertise or interest, experience or insights you feel our audience would benefit from knowing, direct to the webinar series team, via
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