Abstract Submission

Authors interested in submitting an abstract for a proposal presentation should submit an abstract by 11 April 2025.

Guidance for a proposal idea 

We suggest presenting an idea that will follow on from your current research, for example, an experiment that would build upon a PhD project. This could be repeating an experiment that you have analysed data for but with an improved detector setup, or exploring the underlying physics in a different nucleus. 

Here are some things to consider for your proposal idea: 

  • Why is it of interest to the scientific community for you to do this research? 
  • What results will be gained from this work? E.g., what will be measured? 
  • What will the experimental setup be? 
  • Are there any specialist requirements that you need from the lab/institute? E.g. ion beams, targets, radioactive samples, etc. 
  • How will you use these devices to make your measurements? 
  • Estimation of what the uncertainties will be. 
  • Can you provide any simulation of the experiment to support your proposal? 
  • How much time/funding are you asking for? 

Talks should be 10 minutes long, with 5 minutes for questions. A panel consisting of experts will be asking questions and giving advice on the presentations. A prize of £100 will be awarded for the best talk.

Note that there is an expectation that by submitting an abstract, the presenting author will go on to register. There is no fee for submitting your abstract(s).

Please complete all sections of the form and agree to the terms and conditions. The corresponding author will receive an email confirming receipt of the submission. Further information can be found in the submission portal. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can email sarah.evans@iop.org

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