
The 4th early-career researcher (ECR) forum for UK nuclear physics will be held in-person at the University of Manchester on the 22nd of April, 2025. The event provides a unique forum for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from institutes around the UK to present their work, discuss new methods and cutting edge ideas, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. The event will include sessions focussing on CV writing for academia and industry, and preparing fellowship applications. A session will also be dedicated to allowing ECRs to present their ideas for potential future experiments.

This will be an inclusive event and there will be no registration fee for attending. If you consider yourself to be an early-career researcher, you are welcome to attend. We do not currently anticipate the need to limit the number of attendees, however if this situation changes we will prioritise the in-person attendance of PhDs and PDRAs.

In the coming months we will invite submissions to present at the forum, and encourage you to think now about topics you wish to be covered, as well as your future scientific goals/interests. We want to particularly focus on the future: the more speculative, the better.

This workshop is a satellite event of the Nuclear Physics 2025 Conference (23-25 April 2025).

Organised by the IOP Nuclear Physics Group

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