24Mg (n,n’) measurement at n TOF, CERN - Matthew Birch
A feasibility study using an array of LaBr3(Ce)
scintillation detectors as a Compton camera for prompt gamma imaging during
BNCT - Kiran Nutter
A Modelling Approach to Defining Radiochemical Separation
Requirements for Radiometric Assay - Mr Tom Stokes
A new charge-reset method for determining Auger-electron
emission multiplicities - Jacob Heery
A Platform for Cross-section Measurements on the National
Ignition Facility - Daniel Pitman-weymouth
Alpha-particle condensation in diluted 16O at finite
temperatures - Miriam Davies
Characterization of an ASIC-based readout system for the
SAND experiment - Camilla Maggio
Collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy of
neutron-deficient antimony - Abigail Mcglone
Comprehensive Characterisation of the A601 AGATA Detector:
Insights from Analogue, and Advanced Scanning Measurements - Rayan Alnefaie
Creating a beta-gamma detection system for fuel condition
monitoring of spent nuclear fuel rods and operational nuclear reactors - Miss
Sifa Poulton
Cyclotron production of manganese isotopes via alpha-beam
irradiation of nickel in the energy range of 0–24 MeV nuclear reactions - Ahmed
Elucidating Strangeness with Electromagnetic Probes - Asli
Experimental Investigation of Isomeric Decays in
Neutron-Rich 183,184Hf isotopes Using the KISS Facility - Mr Siddharth Doshi
Exploring The Use of the Trojan Horse Method for Radiative
Neutron Capture Reactions - Dominik Stajkowski
Exploring unphysical quadrupole triaxiality in 200,202Hg
with Coulomb excitation - Mr Greg Willmott
Gaussian Processes: Machine Learning for Observable
Interpolation and Data Analysis - Ryan Ferguson
GEn-RP: Neutron Electric Form Factor Measurement at Q² = 4.4
(GeV/c)² via Charge Exchange Recoil Polarimetry at Jefferson Lab - Andrew
HYPATIA: Next generation in-beam gamma ray scintillator
array at the RIBF - Luke Tetley
Identification of excited states in Ba-114 using
recoil-decay tagging - Ben Hogg
Identification of parity-doublet bands in odd-Z 223Pa - Dr
James Keatings
Impact of the meson-exchange currents on the magnetic dipole
moments in odd near doubly magic nuclei analyzed within nuclear DFT framework -
Herlik Wibowo
Introducing thermal effects into neutron capture cross
sections for the (n,188Os) reaction - Nicholas Lightfoot
Investigating the Internal Decay Characteristics of Gold
Nuclei Beyond the N=104 Midshell - Anthony Mcfarlane
Investigation of Secondary Particle Generation in Carbon Ion
Beams for Cancer Radiotherapy - Shaikah Alsubayae
Investigations of the unbound 2+ state in 20C - Sidong Chen
Isomer Spectroscopy in the Transfermium Region - Jamie
Laser spectroscopy of Fe isotopes using an electrostatic ion
trap at IGISOL - Mr Daniel Bettaney
Lifetime measurements in $^{102}$Mo interpreted in the
interacting boson model and the X(5) symmetry - Dr Calum Jones
Lifetime measurements in neutron-rich barium and cerium
isotopes using the fast-timing technique - Faye Rowntree
Lifetime measurements of low-energy octupole states in
radium-224 - Dylan White
Mass and Half-life Measurements in the Neutron-rich N~116 Hf
Region - Zachary Nunns
Measurement of the 68Zn(n,γ) Cross Sections at n TOF, CERN,
and their Astrophysical Implications - Annie Rooney
Measurements of Fission Fragment Masses and Proton Numbers
at ILL and n TOF, CERN - Nikolay Sosnin
Measurements of octupole collectivity in 144Ba via
Coulomb-excitation - Ben Jones
Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS12 - Charlie Velasquez
Multiparameter study of fission with STEFF at n_TOF -
Angelica D'Ottavi
Muographic Image Upsampling with Machine Learning for Built
Infrastructure Applications - Mr William O'Donnell
Nuclear breathing mode analyzed in the multi-reference
density functional theory - Xuwei Sun
Nuclear data and medical radioisotope production activities at UKNNL - Luigi Capponi
Nuclear Science Opportunities at HF-ADNeF - Jack Bishop
Octupole deformation in neutron-deficient plutonium
isotopes. - Hamid Ayatollahzadeh
Position Reconstruction of Multiple Interactions Gamma
Events in SIGMA Detector Using Two-step Search Algorithm - Nawaf Altasan
Probing Short-Range Correlations via (p,pd) Quasi-Free
Scattering reactions - Matthew Whitehead
Quantum entanglement of positron annihilation gamma – new
insights and future plans - Laura Stephenson
Quasi-Free Scattering Studies in and Around the Ca Mass
Region - Luke Rose
Reactor physics and the Pygmy Dipole Resonance. A detailed
study of the beta decay of 92Rb with GRIFFIN. - Pietro Spagnoletti
Shape coexistence in 196Po: An in-beam γ-e spectroscopic
study - Andy Briscoe
Simulation of a ²⁴¹Am-⁹Be neutron source using Geant4 Monte
Carlo - Filippo Falezza
Solving the 9B(1/2+) mystery using the R-matrix formalism -
Alex Brooks
The analysis of π− mesons produced in Pb-Pb collisions at
30A GeV/c from NA61/SHINE - Ali Soheilbeigi Bazgir
The Development of the Compact Cherenkov Detector HEPI - the
High Energy Proton Instrument for Satellite Missions - Dr Joseph O'Neill
The KLong Facility in Hall D at Jefferson Lab - Stuart Fegan
The Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source RILIS at
CERN-ISOLDE: Expanding limits of selectivity, intensity, and nuclear structure
laser spectroscopy - Reinhard Heinke
Towards Complete Decay Spectroscopy of 152Tb - Edward
Unfolding Jet Substructure Observables with Machine
Learning. - Nicodemos Andreou
Bayesian Analyses of Key Quark-Gluon Plasma Parameters Using JETSCAPE - Matthew Ockleton
Beta-decay spectroscopy of proton-rich N=82 isotones - Norah Alwadie
Constraining Abundance Anomalies in Globular Clusters: γ-ray Spectroscopy of 39K - Claire Jameson
Development of Silicon Carbide-based Neutron Detectors using Geant4 Simulations - Ibtisam Alanazi
Electromagnetic moments of Yttrium and Zirconium isomeric states - Alejandro Restrepo Giraldo
Energy Losses in Low-Energy Electron Interactions for Auger Electron Radiotherapy Development - Mr. Alfredo Vigny Mercado Quintero
Enhancing Particle Identification and Simulation in the ALICE Experiment with Machine Learning and ONNX Integration - Robert Forynski
Investigating Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture - John Fuller
Investigation of the role of Multi-Neutron Transfer on sub-barrier fusion enhancement - Ms Anjali Merin
Laser spectroscopy of neutron deficient lutetium (Z=71) - David Mcelroy
Low cost, high speed VME data acquisition for Nuclear physics heterogeneous, multi-detector experimental setups - Ms Mamta Jain
Machine-Learning Optical Model Parameters - Samuel Sullivan
The integration of machine learning into nuclear data evaluation - Mr William Hopkins
Nuclear Astrophysics Studies with the High-Flux Accelerator-Driven Neutron Facility (HF-ADNeF) - Patrick Galvin
Optical Segmentation of Cadmium Tungstate Scintillators via Sub-Surface Laser Etching - Mr Alexander Kippax
Pixel-based Target Recoil Tracker (TRT) for R3B at FAIR - Ms Beatriz Amorim
Progress towards a multi-detector system for quantification and identification of low-activity CTBT-relevant radionuclides - Ayrton Jenkins
R-matrix fitting with probabilistic transformer neural networks - Benjamin Wood
Simulations for the development of a new Ion Source Test Stand - Rachil Dogolazky
Spectroscopy of 225Ra following Beta Decay of 225Fr - Abdulrahman Alshammari
Strange Hadron Spectroscopy in Hall D Jefferson Lab - Alexandra Berger
Studying the scintillation and photon transport characteristics of CeBr3 - Joshua Sharpe
The evolution of nuclear structure near the N = 20 Island of Inversion - a measurement of 30Mg(d,p)31Mg reaction - Michal Wlodarczyk
The optimisation of neutron-producing targets for the d-7Li reaction. - John Murphy
Towards fast calculations of nucleon-nucleus scattering from microscopic optical potentials - Ashley Pitto Giraldo