Abstract submission

Contributions for oral and poster presentations are invited in any of the topics listed. Abstracts should be 400 words in length and submitted online by 23:59 BST on 11 August 2024 (EXTENDED)

Your talk will be recorded and made available to download on public facing websites. If you would prefer your presentation is not made available, please email sarah.evans@iop.org

A limited number of grants have kindly been provided by CCPi to cover workshop attendance. These grants are open to applicants from academia and industry. Priority will be given to those with an explicit interest in industrial applications of image-based simulation and those wishing to attend both training and forum components of IBSim-4i. The grant will pay for registration, break refreshments, lunches and the networking reception. Travel and accommodation costs are not included in the grant. More information about how to apply for the grant is available under the 'Registration' tab.

Submission Details

  • To begin your submission, please create an account selecting a memorable password as you will be expected to login to register. 
  • The abstract title, authors and their affiliation should be entered in the corresponding fields.
  • Please indicate your preferred type of presentation (oral/poster). However, it is up to the Programme Committee to make the final selection. Late abstracts can only be considered as posters. 
  • Indicate whether the presenting author is a student. 
  • The length of an abstract is limited to 400 words

Please complete all sections of the form and agree to the terms and conditions. The corresponding author will receive an email confirming receipt of the submission. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can email sarah.evans@iop.org

Submit abstract


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