
Quantum magnets play host to a rich variety of exotic phases of matter, from quantum spin liquids to super solids, skyrmions and spin nematics. Restricting the dimensionality of a magnetic system, to 1D or 2D, pulls out the richness of quantum effects even further, with new topologies of interactions and enhanced densities of states – and potential to build new 2D nanoelectronics devices. Owing to the recent development of accurate theoretical and numerical methods, alongside novel materials discovery and a broad array of experimental probes, low-D quantum magnets now serve as a testbed for realising new quantum phases, transitions and many-body phenomena with far reaching impact in fields from correlated-electron physics, to materials chemistry, cold atoms and quantum technology. This workshop will bring together leading international academics as well as aspiring early career scientists to discuss the latest experimental and theoretical advances in the field encompassing quantum spin liquids, 1D magnetism and new magnetic 2D van-der-Waals materials to incubate new collaborations and networks.

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