
The Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference (AFPAC) is organised by the IOP Physical Acoustics Group, IOP Medical Physics Group, Le Groupe d’Acoustique Physique and the Sous-marine et UltraSonore (GAPSUS) of the Société Française d’Acoustique (SFA). AFPAC provides a forum in which the current research activity in physical acoustics and ultrasonics is reviewed.

The scope for this conference is intentionally wide to encourage cross-fertilisation of ideas across different application areas in the field of physical acoustics. Topics include, but are not limited to: theoretical developments (all methods); experimental measurements; transduction; linear or nonlinear elastic or acoustic (bulk, surface, guided) wave radiation, propagation, scattering and reception; application to material characterisation, biomedical ultrasound, imaging (nondestructive testing, medical, underwater, seismology), SAW in electronic devices etc.

This year AFPAC is additionally organised with the IOP Medical Physics group and includes sessions focussed on Biomedical ultrasound, spanning both medical imaging and therapy. We are also pleased to announce two invited speakers from the field of biomedical ultrasound: Professor Gail ter Haar from the Institute of Cancer Research and Professor Nader Saffari from University College London.

Important registration update: we have received higher interest in this year's conference than usual and are oversubscribed. The bedrooms at the conference hotel and the hotel nearby have now been booked. The day rate is now applicable and attendees should arrange their own accommodation and travel to and from the conference each day. For more information, refer to the registration page.

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline EXTENDED 23:59 Sunday 3 December 2023
Registration Deadline 23:59 Tuesday 19 December 2023
Graphical Abstract Submission Deadline 23:59 Wednesday 10 January 2024 

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