
Vacuum technology is a key for many research projects and industries. This Vacuum Group training course, organised by the Institute of Physics Vacuum Group, is intended to provide a grounding in practical vacuum usage for people who use and have some experience in vacuum. It will be presented by experienced vacuum personnel and will cover the topics listed in the programme, where possible personal experiences will be used to highlight how various technical challenges were overcome. This course will be beneficial for both graduates and vacuum technicians looking to develop their knowledge and technical skills.

Who should attend this course:

This training course is a medium level course for vacuum engineers and technicians as well as students and researchers who require in-depth knowledge of practical vacuum. This course is aligned with the introductory level training courses at Vacuum Symposium – UK.

Before the course:

The trainees are expected to have some basic knowledge in vacuum technology and instrumentation and, preferably, experience in using vacuum equipment. Ideally participants should have attended an introductory level course in this field (e.g. one or more of the training courses at the Vacuum Symposiums series), and be familiar with pressure units, pressure measurements and vacuum pumps.

Trainees will be issued with an Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificate at the end of the course. 

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