Electrical Machines Dr.
Mark Ainslie, Kings College London, UK
SQUIDs for a closer look at brain functions Dr.
Thilo Bauch, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Superconducting Fundamentals and Theory, Prof. Stephen Blundell, University of Oxford, UK
How close is Room Temperature Superconductivity? Prof.
Lilia Boeri, Sapienza University and Enrico Fermi Research
Center, Italy
Technology for High Energy Physics and Accelerators Dr. Luca Bottura, CERN, Switzerland
HTS Technology for Spherical Tokamaks Greg Brittles, Tokamaks Energy
The Synthesis and Chemical Control of New Superconductors Prof. Simon Clarke, University of Oxford, UK
Superconducting boundaries of iron-based superconductors under extreme conditions Prof.
Amalia Coldea, University of Oxford, UK
Mixed Formulation Finite Element Modelling of High Temperature Superconductors using COMSOL Multiphysics Dr.
Nathaniel Davies, COMSOL, UK
Superconductors - An Introduction Prof.
John Durrell, Cambridge University, UK
Superconducting Parametric Amplifiers Dr. Martina Esposito (CNR, Italy)
modeling of superconductors Dr Francesco Grilli, KIT, Germany
Theory Part II Prof.
Damian Hampshire, Durham University, UK
Roadmap for Superconductor Electronics Prof.
D. Scott Holmes, IEEE Council on Superconductivity (CSC), USA
Applications – MRI Dr.
M’hamed Lakrimi, Siemens Magnet Technology, UK
Superconducting Materials in Conductor Forms Prof.
David Larbalestier, ASC-NHMFL, Florida State University, USA
Introduction to ESAS Early Career Professional Support Jun Ma, University of Bristol
Applications – Cables: Principles, large-scale Applications and Power
Transmission and Superconducting
Technology for Fusion Dr. Joe Minervini, MIT, USA
for Superconducting Applications Mr.
Charles Monroe, Monroe Brothers Ltd, UK
Superconductivity Modelling Dr.
Ben Pine, Dassault Systems UK Limited, UK
Quantum Measurements with Superconducting Circuits Prof. Irfan Sidiqi, UC Berkeley, California, USA
of Superconducting Materials Prof. Susannah Speller, University of Oxford, UK
Superconducting Projects after Maxwell's Equations Dr. Bruce Strauss, IEEE-CSC, USA
Applications and Design
Principles of Superconducting Magnets – Part I and Part II Dr Martin
Wilson, Consultant, UK
of cryogenic and superconducting technologies for Electric Propulsion of
aircraft Dr Ludocic Ybanez, Airbus, France