Gerald Mills

Gerald Mills is a physical geographer based in the School of Geography at UCD (Ireland). His research focus is on climatology, specifically the climates of urban areas.  He publishes in the areas of urban climates, climate change and urban greening and is co-author of Urban Climates (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and of The Urban Heat Island: A guidebook (Elsevier, 2021). He has served as President of the International Association for Urban Climates (IAUC) from 2010-2013 and organised the International Conference on Urban Climates in Dublin (ICUC8) in 2012. He works with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Integrated Urban Services initiative which seeks to co-ordinate hydrological and meteorological services at an urban scale. In 2021 he received the IAUC's Luke Howard Award; this award is presented annually to an individual based on lifetime contributions to the development of urban climate science.

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