This one day meeting is a popular annual event providing a forum for those involved in using plasmas and ion beams for surface modification, surface analysis and thin film deposition. This year’s meeting will focus on the areas of Plasmas & Liquids, Ion Beams, and Optical Coatings.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 26 May 2023
Registration deadline: 11 June 2023
Thin Films and Surfaces Group Oral Presentation Prize
This prize is the best oral presentation by a student attending this year's annual Plasmas, Surfaces and Thin Films meeting. The prize is £100 and a certificate.
Presentations are judged on the basis of:
Ion and Plasma Surface Interactions Group Annual Poster Prize
This prize is the best poster presentation by a student attending the group’s annual Plasmas, Surfaces and Thin Films meeting. The prize is £100 and a certificate. It is usually awarded at the annual meeting.
Poster presentations are judged on the basis of:
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