
Colloidal particles adsorbed at liquid interfaces represent a fascinating class of soft matter. The strong confinement of particles by the liquid interface offers a rich playground for studying fundamental processes such as particle dynamics and self-assembly in dimensionally confined systems. The fact that particles with suitable wettability are strongly adsorbed by the liquid interface also provides unique opportunities for stabilising multi-phase systems such as foams, emulsions and bijels, as well as for creating functional nanomaterials, reconfigurable devices and biomimetic systems. 

The aim of this conference is to bring together the diverse research communities interested in this area, from fundamental soft matter science to applied research in areas such as novel formulations, lab-on-a-chip reactors, nanomaterials for energy, biomaterials, encapsulation and controlled release etc., in order to cross-pollinate ideas and stimulate new research directions. The conference follows previous successful meetings on the same topic in Leeds (2016), London (2017) and online (2021). 

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