Peter Wadley, University of Nottingham

Peter Wadley is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Professor of Physics at the School of Physics and Astronomy, at the University of Nottingham. His PhD was centred on dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors for spintronic applications. During his first postdoctoral position, a Marie Curie funded fellowship at the Institute of Physics in Prague (group of Tomas Jungwirth), he led the effort to develop a new functional antiferromagnetic material, CuMnAs. This culminated in the growth of tetragonal CuMnAs, and the first demonstration of all-electrical control and reading of the antiferromagnetic order. Since then, he has made several key first demonstrations in in antiferromagnetic spintronics. In last few years he has helped push forward the experimental work on altermagnetism and nodal magnets which include 3 key experimental demonstrations of the unique properties of altermagnetism.

Peter has 56 publications and is a regular invited speaker at international conferences. Peter’s current research interests include: Altermagnetism and other nodal magnets, antiferromagnetic spintronics, topological spin structures, band topology, time crystallinity and neuromorphic computing.

Peter was the IOP and IEEE Wohlfarth lecturer for 2022 for “outstanding contributions to the understanding of magnetism”.



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