Funding Support

Carers' Fund - This fund helps you attend physics-related events or conferences that you might not otherwise be able to go to because you care for someone else. For further information, visit Carers’ Fund | Institute of Physics (

Support for Returners to work: Attending the events and conferences organised by the IOP is a great way to expand your knowledge on the latest developments in physics, as well as to network and engage with the broader physics community. We appreciate that some members of the community that have been on a career break, maternity leave, or even may be long term sick, when looking to return to work, may not have access to funds to cover the costs of registration.

Therefore, as part of our ongoing support for members on a career break or those transitioning from a career break, whatever the circumstances, we will waive the registration fee to enable attendance at an IOP event or conference held in the UK or Ireland. Please note that members with caring responsibilities still have the option to seek additional financial support from the Carers’ Fund.

This support will be offered on a case-by-case basis to current IOP members, subject to availability, and fees will be waived to attend one event or conference per calendar year at the discretion of the Head of Membership, in consultation with the Events and Conferences Manager.

To find out more and seek support to attend an event or conference as a returner, please contact Tajinder Panesor MInstP, Head of Membership. 

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