Dr Hariom Jani

Hariom Jani is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Oxford (UK) and a Visiting Researcher at the Laboratoire Albert Fert, CNRS/Thales (France). His research focuses on the design of emergent phenomena in magnetic quantum materials for applications in next-generation computing. His work has resulted in the pioneering discovery and control of whirling antiferromagnetic states at room temperature, which experimentally opened the field of topological antiferromagnetism (Science in Shorts). He has also developed new methods to reconstruct nanoscale antiferromagnetism, using X-ray spectro-microscopy and diamond magnetometry.

 He has been awarded the ‘Emerging Investigator Prize’ by the Institute of Physics (Singapore), ‘Young and Brilliant Lectureship’ by the European Physics of Magnetism Conference (EU), ‘Young Scientist Award’ by the Conference on Low-energy Digital Devices & Computing (Singapore), and the ‘Graduate Student Silver Award’ and ‘Arthur Nowick Teaching Award’ by the Materials Research Society (US).

 He is passionate about science education and has led large-scale outreach projects with the Ministry of Education (Singapore) to build engaging physics demonstrations (National News). He also serves as a science faculty for the educational non-profit Raising a Mathematician Foundation (India), which has impacted >6000 students from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups to pursue STEM. 

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