Abstract Submission

Contributions for oral and poster presentations are invited on experimental, theoretical and modelling advancements on all fundamental and applied aspects of surface and interfaces, including physical properties and chemical reactions on surface. Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words, including references and one figure. The deadline for submissions has been extended to the 16th February 2025.

To submit your abstract, please click below:

Submission Details

  • Note that there is an expectation that by submitting an abstract, the presenting author will go on to register. There is no fee for submitting your abstract(s).
  • To begin your submission, please create an account selecting a memorable password as you will be expected to use the same password when you go on to register for the event. 
  • The abstract title, authors and their affiliation should be entered in the corresponding fields.
  • Please select a preferred topic/theme from the list above.
  • Please indicate your preferred type of presentation (oral/poster). However, it is up to the Programme Committee to make the final selection. Late abstracts may only be considered as posters. 
  • Indicate whether the presenting author is a student. 
  • The length of an abstract is limited to 250 words (one image / figure is permitted). References, when needed, should be indicated using square brackets [1], in order of appearance in the abstract. All references must be listed in numerical order at the bottom of the text. 
  • Please complete all sections of the form and agree to the terms and conditions. The corresponding author will receive an email confirming receipt of the submission. If you have any questions or need assistance, email lisa.townley@iop.org 

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