
In association with the IOP and the annual PPAP community meeting later this month, the UK ECFA ECR panel is organising a UK Industry and Academic Jobs Event for HEP-ex ECRs. Part of the feedback from our ongoing UK ECR survey (there’s still time to fill out this important survey) was clear demand for an event to help ECRs navigate the path from PhD to Postdoc, Postdoc to Fellowship, and Academia to Industry. This half-day event will feature an introduction to the HEP-experiment jobs market in the UK, followed by a series of audience-driven Q&A discussions with:

  • ECRs who have recently succeeded in acquiring Postdocs, Fellowships & Permanent positions in the UK [Confimed Panellists: Kirsty Duffy, Jay Howarth, Daniel Hynds, Matt Kenzie, Sarah Williams and Estifa'a Zaid]
  • Senior academics who have sat on UK hiring/fellowship committees [Confirmed Panellists so far: Jon Butterworth, Monica D'Onofrio, Dan Tovey, Melissa Uchida and Nigel Watson]
  • Former HEP physicists who have made successful transitions from academia into industry
Through these three perspectives we hope to facilitate discussion on all sides for HEP-experiment ECRs, allowing for people to share their insights, discuss approaches to job seeking and applications, and field questions from the ECR community (live and/or anonymously via Slido) to help you to prepare for your next career step. 

Our ECR panel will discuss how they approached job applications and navigated selection processes, and what they found worked for them. Our senior academic panel will help shine a light on what hiring committees are looking for in candidates, how they see the UK HEP jobs market changing, and advice from their own experiences moving towards a permanent position in academia. With our invited industry speakers we hope to create a broad sense of the opportunities for HEP ECRs outside of the academic system in the UK, with professionals in a wide range of industries who will share their advice on making this transition.

The PPAP (UKRI Particle Physics Advisory Panel) meeting will focus on discussing strategic priorities of particle physics across different subfields in the context of a 10-year prioritised PPAN (Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics) Roadmap being developed by the Science Board and European Strategy for Particle Physics Update (ESPPU) – historically ECR attendance is poor but you are more than welcome to join in.

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