
Black Hole Interiors, Classical and Quantum: Mathematical and Numerical Approaches. 
Wednesday 14th December, 11am - 4.30pm

Roger Penrose's Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis, now over 50 years old, has generated a huge amount of work that has revealed numerous insights into black hole interiors. A key aspect of this hypothesis is that the inner horizon of a black hole (charged, rotating or both) should be unstable. Recent results have shown the deep subtleties involved in this hypothesis, with insights coming from mathematical relativity, semi-classical gravity and from numerical studies. Furthermore, the role of semi-classical effects raises questions regarding the continued applicability of classical singularity theorems. This year's annual meeting of the Gravitational Physics Group will comprise a series of talks related to different aspects of black hole interiors, reviewing a number of these recent results. Our speakers will be:

  • Marc Casals (Leipzig) - Quantum fluxes at the inner horizon of a spinning black hole
  • Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge) - Title TBC
  • Eleni-Alexandra Kontou (King's College, London) - Singularity theorems in semi-classical gravity
  • Raimon Luna (Valencia) - Strong cosmic censorship: The nonlinear story

 The meeting will be held over Zoom: relevant links will be available on registration. 

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