Abstract Submission

Abstract submission (oral presentation): 17 December 2023
Abstract submission (poster): 16 January 2024

We are now open for abstract submission for our 2024 conference for both oral and poster presentations. Authors interested in submitting an abstract for a contributed oral presentation should submit an abstract by 17 December 2023.

We welcome submissions across a broad range of topics relating to food physics, from physics in food manufacturing, through to sustainability of food system and any of our 'traditional' categories of foams and emulsion, interfacial phenomena, rheology, food processing, oral processing an digestion, or measurement.

  • Oral presenters will be allocated 20 minutes, with 15 minutes for the presentation and five minutes for Q&A
  • Poster presenters will deliver a two-minute flash presentation as a part of the conference, alongside a regular poster presentation (A0, portrait will be preferred)

This year there will be two prizes available, one for best poster and one for best student presentation, please indicate if you wish to be considered for the prizes during abstract submission,

We look forward to receiving your submission.

Please complete all sections of the form and agree to the terms and conditions. The corresponding author will receive an email confirming receipt of the submission. Further information can be found in the submission portal. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can email sarah.evans@iop.org

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