Barbara Lenz

From 2007-2021, Barbara Lenz was director of the DLR Institute for Transport Research in Berlin and Professor of Transport Geography at Humboldt University. Her main research areas within social science mobility and transport research include the transformation of the transport sector, acceptance and effects of automated driving, new mobility concepts as well as mobility in the context of developing countries. She has been active in numerous committees: among other things, she headed working group 2 “Alternative drive systems and fuels” of the National Platform Future of Mobility, she was a member of the EU Mission Board for “Climate neutral and smart cities”, belongs to the Advisory Board Science of the Climate Council of the City of Vienna and is a member of the Climate Advisory Board of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. She is co-author of several standard works, such as the Compendium for urban and regional development, the Elsevier International Encyclopaedia of Transportation and the White Paper on "Autonomous Driving" (Springer).

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