Abstract Submission

All abstract submissions to AI for Biological Physics 2024, should be entered through the submission portal below. The submission deadline for both oral and poster presentations is on the 12 August, 2024. Please read the information below, before starting your submission.

Submit Your Abstract

Submission Details:
  • The abstract title, authors and their affiliation should be entered in the corresponding fields.
  • Please provide a title that describes the nature of your presentation with no more than 15 words. In the title, do not use acronyms or abbreviations. 
  • Please indicate your preferred type of presentation (oral/poster). However, it is up to the Programme Committee to make the final selection. Late abstracts can only be considered as posters. 
  • The maximum length of the bulk text of the abstract is 300 words, including spaces, punctuation and references. Figures and tables cannot be included. 
  • References, when needed, should be indicated using square brackets [1], in order of appearance in the abstract. All references must be listed in numerical order at the bottom of the text.

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