Christian Schönenberger

Prof. Dr. Christian SchönenbergerProf. Christian Schönenberger is an electrical engineer and experimental physicist by training. He was awarded a Ph.D degree in physics from ETH-Zürich in 1990 for his pioneering work on magnetic-force microscopy conducted at the IBM research laboratory in Switzerland. He then stayed as a postdoctoral fellow and staff researcher at Philips research Eindhoven for 5 years and was then appointed full professor in experimental condensed matter physics at the University of Basel in 1995. At the University of Basel, he leads the quantum- and nanoelectronics group, see His research interest is in unravelling fundamental aspects of charge transport in nanodevices by conducting low-temperature quantum transport experiments, both at DC and microwave frequencies. He early on explored hybrid devices by combining superconducting, magnetic and semiconducting materials in nano scaled systems, such as carbon nanotubes, 2D van der Waal’s materials and semiconducting nanowires. He is advisor for many public organizations, an elected life-time member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (SATW) and a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). He was the director of the NCCR on Nanoscale Science, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. He is a co-founder of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and since its start in 2006 its acting director until summer 2023. He has been awarded two ERC advanced research grants. He has been coordinating many research projects, among them a large Swiss-wide project on bio-chemical sensing using ion-sensitive field-effect transistors which led to two start-up companies.

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