Abstract Submission

All abstract submissions to AQC-2024 should be entered through the submission portal below. The submission deadline for talks has now passed. Poster abstracts can be submitted until 30th May 2024.  There will also be a limited number of "hot topic" talks available for submissions after 10th April.  Please read the information below, before starting your submission. Note that there is an expectation that by submitting an abstract, the presenting author will go on to register. There is no fee for submitting your abstract(s).

Submission Portal

Submission Details

  • Create an account - this applies to IOP members as well as Non-Members. You can use the account to register for the conference. 
  • The abstract title, authors and their affiliation should be entered in the corresponding fields.
  • Indicate your preferred type of presentation (oral/poster). However, it is up to the Programme Committee to make the final selection. You should also indicate whether the abstract is being presented by a student. 
  • Upload your abstract as a PDF or Word file. The length of an abstract is limited to one A4-paper page (including figures and references). References, when needed, should be indicated using square brackets [1], in order of appearance in the abstract. All references must be listed in numerical order at the bottom of the text.
If you need assistance submitting your abstract or have any questions, please email conferences@iop.org 

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