Invited Speakers

Keith Attenborough is Emeritus Professor of Acoustics at the Open University. At the University of Hull, he was Head of Engineering between July 1999 and April 2002 and Research Professor in Engineering between 2002 and 2007.  Previously he worked at the Open University from 1970 to 1999 where he was awarded a Personal Chair in Acoustics in 1992. He has carried out theoretical and experimental studies on linear and nonlinear acoustical characteristics of porous surfaces, acoustical methods for surveying soils, sound propagation through suspensions, emulsions and bones and on outdoor sound propagation. His research has resulted in two textbooks on predicting outdoor sound and on aircraft noise. He has supervised 25 Ph.D. theses and had 151 papers published in refereed journals and given more than 180 international conference presentations (including 12 invited). Recent projects have involved development of sonic crystal noise barriers, non-invasive acoustic-seismic monitoring of soils, ‘Holistic and Sustainable Actions against Noise by combinations of Natural and Artificial means’ (the HOSANNA project supported by EC FP7), use of sound and vibration in assisted living, using 3D printed and natural wastes to create sound absorbers, and acoustic metasurfaces.

He has carried out many consultancies and is working on one at present concerned with drafting a new UK prediction scheme for transport noise sources.

Since 2007 he has been part time Education Manager for the Institute of Acoustics UK responsible for the delivery of a postgraduate Diploma, Certificated short courses and CPD courses in Acoustics and Noise Control.

He has received the following honours and awards:

  • 1996 Rayleigh Medal of the Institute of Acoustics (UK)
  • 2011 Honorary Fellowship of the Institute of Acoustics
  • 2012 Silver Medal (Noise) of the Acoustical Society of America
  • 2013 Médaille étrangère of the French Acoustical Society
  • 2022 The inaugural Dr Bob Peters Education award from the Institute of Acoustics (UK)

Dr. Ludovico (Ludo) Ausiello has a background rooted in music, audio technology and acoustics. He's formerly a pianist, while now mainly playing acoustic and electric guitar. Ludo pursued an integrated master’s degree in electronic engineering at University of Bologna, and then completed a European PhD focused on analogue-to-digital converters, lossless data compression, and innovative high-quality music formats. During his PhD years he worked as sound quality engineer at Maserati and met Prof Angelo Farina, who later became his mentor for his Post-Doc done in collaboration with Magneti Marelli S.p.A, developing ultrasonic sensors for engine control systems. After that Ludo moved to work for Harman Automotive as system engineer, tuning audio systems for Maserati and Ferrari. In 2013 Ludo joined the loudspeaker industry and started working as transducer designer for Tannoy, where he remained until 2017. Briefly afterwards he joined academia again, taking the post of senior lecturer in audio and acoustics at Solent University, where he stayed until moving to University of Portsmouth in 2021. During all these years he researched innovative measurement’s methods to characterise musical instruments, and improve the sustainability and the consistency of manufacturing processes in the industry.


Prof. Trevor Cox is Professor of Acoustic Engineering at the University of Salford. He is a past president of the UK’s Institute of Acoustics and was awarded the IoA Tyndall Medal. His research covers architectural acoustics, psychoacoustics and audio. His current EPSRC projects include two on machine learning challenges to improve hearing aids for speech and music. Trevor co-wrote the definitive text on room Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers (CRC Press). He directs the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Sound Futures. Trevor was an EPSRC Senior Media Fellow. He has presented 26 documentaries for BBC radio including: The Physicist’s Guide to the Orchestra. He won an ASA Science Writing Award for his popular science book Sonic Wonderland. The book describes the oil tank where he broke the Guinness World record for the longest echo. His last popular science book was Now You’re Talking.


Prof. Kirill Horoshenkov is Professor of Acoustics in the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK. His research interests are in acoustic sensing, robotics and porous media. He leads the EPSRC UK Acoustics Network Plus ( He also leads the EPSRC Programme Grant to develop robotic autonomous sensing for buried pipes (  He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK Institute of Acoustics and Acoustical Society of America. He is the Editor-in-Chief for Nature Portfolio Journal Acoustics.  He is a founder of two spin-off companies. He is a chartered engineer.


Prof. Paul Lepper is a physicist / engineer specializing in under water acoustics and marine and terrestrial bio-acoustics with nearly 30+ years’ experience of studies in physical and biological aspects of underwater acoustics in particular the potential impacts from underwater sounds, signal processing, underwater systems and marine applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s). He has over 200 published papers in the area of underwater acoustics and bioacoustics, system design and UAV technologies. His teaching experience including underwater acoustics, bioacoustics, signal processing, system design and development for academia and industry. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Deputy Associate Dean of Enterprise 2019-2022. He was Vice-President (International) and Member of Council for the Institute of Acoustics (UK) 2018-2024 and was General Secretary of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) 2019-2022. His research has included hearing and behavioural response studies of marine mammals and fish as well as source characterisation, sound field measurement and modelling involved in studies of noise impact from offshore operations including marine renewables, oil and gas - exploration and production, shipping, aquaculture, UXO, etc. He participates in various ISO and BSI standards committees in acoustics. In addition to leading a research group in the areas of underwater acoustics he also is leading a symbiotic group of researchers in the applications of UAV technology for marine and other applications, including object detection, machine learning, autonomous systems behaviours, and operation in marine environments. He has been on the organizing committees or chaired / co-chaired numerous national and international conferences including ECUA (2012), OCEANOISE (2015), Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life conference series (2019/2022/2025), INTERNOISE (2022), etc.


Dr. Gianluca Memoli has been working in acoustics for 20 years, between industry, environmental agencies and academia. He is a physicist, an engineer and - according to his kids - an inventor. He is also a passionate science communicator and an advocate for entrepreneurship. At the moment he shares his time between the University of Sussex, where he is an associate professor, and the start-up Metasonixx. His current research interests cover metamaterials, sound perception...and bubbles.


Dr. Matthew Muirhead has over twenty years’ experience in research and consultancy, specialising in vehicle and aircraft noise and environmental sound propagation. He has led research projects for Government departments and authored publications helping to inform the UK’s position on a number of noise related issues.

Matt’s expertise in road traffic noise is recognised across the industry where he is often asked to present papers or provide an official response to government consultation. He is chair of the British Standards committee EH/1/2 on transport noise and a member of the B/510/5 committee on surface characteristics as well as the ISO working groups on pavement noise and vehicle noise. He also currently chairs the road noise working group, for a new British Standard on the calculation of road and rail sound levels outdoors.

Matt has a keen interest in inspiring the next generation of acousticians and has chaired the Institute of Acoustics committee on STEM activities since 2018. In this time, he has led engagement with various science centres and engineering institutions, developed work experience courses, fed into curriculum reviews and been into numerous schools and colleges to talk to students and teachers and run classroom activities.

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