Prof John Ellis did his Ph.D. research in the surface physics group at Cambridge on the use of helium scattering to study surface structure and phonons, and then held various research fellowships whilst working in the Group of Prof J.P. Toennies at the Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung in Göttingen where he helped pioneer the technique of quasielastic helium atom scattering. On his return to the UK he continued to work on the use, theory of and instrument development of quasielastic and then He spin echo methods mainly at Cambridge, but for a while at the University of East Anglia. When the physics department at UEA was closed, he returned to the Cavendish where he played a leading role the development of the Cambridge spin-echo spectrometer. His particular interests are surface dynamics, instrument development and more widely in thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.
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