Emma-Jayne Gooch

Emma-Jayne Gooch is an inspirational facilitator with an ability to connect through storytelling, trust, straight talking and humour. Last year she set up her new business Plain Purpose that helps companies understand why they exist, the culture they have built and how to become a purpose driven organisation through their people. She also offers nuclear consultancy including bid support and review.

Prior to this Emma-Jayne spent nearly 6 years at Sellafield. She was initially brought in after spending a couple of years blogging about the challenges companies have in doing business with Sellafield; and was given the opportunity to fix the “problems” she had been vocalising. She wrote Sellafield’s first SME strategy and action plan, brought in a unique procurement platform that enables SME’s to win work directly with Sellafield whilst still following public procurement regulations, organised and facilitated four Directors Forums with over 400 attendees and wrote a “How to do business with Sellafield Programme” which she and her team took across the Country to help businesses understand how to navigate Sellafield and it’s supply chain.

She then moved to the role of Chief of Staff to the CEO where she created, implemented and embedded what has been termed as the biggest culture change at Sellafield Ltd ever (an 11000 employee nuclear facility) working with the employees to understand the current culture and the culture they wanted to see.

She created a manifesto that outlined the behaviours the employees wanted to see from themselves and their colleagues and worked to inspire the organisation to find its purpose and work to become a truly purpose driven organisation.

She is also committed to putting back into the community and is Chair of a Social Enterprise called Time To Change West Cumbria whose flagship project is Calderwood House Homeless Hostel in Egremont.

Emma-Jayne is experienced at facilitating at all levels, in all industries, and ensures everyone has their say and work together to achieve the best possible outcomes.

With her unique ability to take the complicated and make it simple she easily connects with all those she works with.

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